
Lithium carbonate
  • Product standards

    Requirements of Li2CO3-2 in GB/T 11075-2013 Lithium Carbonate

  • Package

    *Ton bag

Technical requirement

Test itemsTechnical indicators
Li2CO main content,w/%≥98.5
Hydrochloric acid insoluble ,w/%0.050

Use to

Industrial grade lithium carbonate is an important industrial chemicalwidely used in batteries, metal oxides and other industries

1. Used as the raw material reagent for synthesis of other lithiumcompounds;

2. Used for production of ceramics and electrical insulating ceramics;

3. Used to manufacture heat-resistant ceramic coatings for combustionchambers and nozzles of injection engines;

4. Used as acid-resistant coatings for glaze, enamel, aluminum, cast ironand steel plates;

5. Used as a glass additive, and the glass mixed with lithium carbonate isof high strength and resistance to atmosphere;

6. Used as a flux for the aluminum manufacturing industry (used to improvethe yield of electrolytic cell);

7. Used as a flux for welding aluminum and magnesium;

8. Used as a part of the mixture of smoke;

9. Used for fuel cells;

10. Used as an additive in the cement industry to improve the acceleratedand rapid curing process;

11. As an emotional stabilizer in psychiatry, it is mainly used to treatdepression and depression.